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Poniżej znajdą Państwo list protestacyjny Prezesa Rady Naczelnej Polonii Australijskiej będący odpowiedzią na artykuł Jana Grabowskiego „Porwanie historii Holokaustu”, opublikowany w „The Weekend Australian Enquirer” w dniach 17-18 sierpnia 2024 r. (w załączeniu).

 List protestacyjny Prezesa Rady Naczelnej Polonii Australijskiej

Protest jako osoba prywatna wystosowała również Pani Bożena Szymańska z Sydney.

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Michelle Gunn


The Weekend Australian


Jennifer Campbell

Inquirer Editor

The Weekend Australian



The article Hijacking History of the Holocaust by Jan Grabowski (Weekend Australian, Aug. 17-18, 2024) does what it blames Poland of doing: it distorts history. It accuses Poles of active involvement in the German extermination of Jews, thus, shifting the responsibility from Germany to Poland. I will address only three issues that the article either presents incorrectly or does not address at all. The first incorrect information is that all the death camps were established by Germans in Poland. Not all, the first ones were erected in Germany, then in Czechoslovakia, Austria, etc. Most of them were indeed in Poland for a very simple reason: Poland was home to three million Polish Jews, the highest number of Jews in any European country. Would it be easier to transport Polish Jews to Germany with its over half a million Jews or to France or Austria, each with over 200,000 Jews? Pure economics; Germans were a very practical people. The second is a convenient “omission”: claiming that Poles could save more Jews, the author forgets to inform that Poland was the only country in Europe where for hiding a Jew or helping in any other form the whole family would be shot on the spot. Dr. Gideon Haussner, the Israeli prosecutor at the Eichmann trial, who although not favourably inclined towards Poles, stated in his book about the trial that in no country was it as difficult to save a Jew as it was in Poland. Another “omission”: the role of Jewish Judenrate (Jewish Councils) and the Jewish police force, consisting of the Jewish elite, and established in ghettos in Poland by Germans. Hannah Arendt, a Jewish German philosopher, in her book Eichmann in Jerusalem claimed that the complicity of the Jewish elite in organizing the logistics of mass deportations from the ghettos to death camps increased the Holocaust’s death toll. So much for accuracy.

Bozena Szymanska, Baulkham Hills, NSW

I Pan Marek Świda z Melbourne

Dear Mrs Gunn,
With amusement and further, greater dissatisfaction I did read Jan Grabowski's antypolonizm pamphlet "Hijacking History of the Holocaust" in "The Weekend Australian Enquirer " of 17-18 August, 2024.
As the veteran of many fights against viral antypolonizm ( in the context to Polish Jewish relations during the time of Germany's occupation of Polish land during WW2) in Australian Media - especially The Age and The Australian, I was falsely believing that such historically inaccurate, inflammatory anti - Polish bias are the history of the past, until this publication.
Timing of your publication of this anti - Polish slur is not a surprise to me. Then the whole World is against Israel's war crime in Palestine (very similar in many aspects to actions Germans took against Jews in Poland and as a matter of fact world wide)  the "smart" diversion taking the ire off Izraelis actions is welcomed by Jews - unfortunately all this is done on expense of Poles who were treated the same as Jews by Germans. Jews were first to be exterminated and Poles were to follow, both treated by Germans as elements of subhuman race!
Due to the fact that your deliberately publication was unbalanced one sidedly putting the blame for murder of Jews on Polish citizens and not real perpetrators Germans and on the way harming good name of Polish citizens, Polish Government and Australian citizens of Polish descent living in Australia I request that The Weekend Australian will allow in the same volume, time and placement (as Grabowski's publication of anti-Polish misinformation) for a publication of  Polish factual version of those events.
Further, I request the unreserved apology to the Polish Government, Polish citizens and Polish diaspora living in Australia being published immediately on the pages of The Australian.
Not adhering to those requests by The Australian will warrant escalation of the matter both in Australia and the world wide.
Marek Henryk Swida

19 Carrington Drive,
Albion Vic 3020
Tel. + 61 3 8382 0217

Polecane Strony

19 Carrington Drive,
Albion Vic 3020
Tel. + 61 3 8382 0217

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